Extaordinary to realise this is our 4th Christmas here. And 4 years to reflect on an `early` retirement for both of us . Some retiremement . The pattern of working full time approx 8 months of the year has attractions in the adjusting process. It's been challenging and enjoyable and our initial 5 year plan has become a rolling 5 year plan.
The winter and summer seasons here are stunning in a host of different ways and fit well our lifestyles and goals ( which we try to assess and review over dinner every couple of months or so ) . To identfy precisely what we enjoy so much here would be to tell only half the story . It's the magic of the place in terms of its beauty , its diversity , its totally different winter and summer climates and activities, its people and its potential, that captures us. The annual late Spring bike trips we have and the annual Autumn returns to family and friends in UK ( this past year OZ ) have become part of the thrilling pattern , but we always look forward eagerly to getting back to work and returning to this lovely Snowmass valley.
Christmas eve was a day off for Mary and a split shift day for me . We had a brilliant 2 hours boarding with EJ celebrating her 75th birthday. Remarkable. Evening - a Snowmass chapel service of lovely music and lessons at which Mary read 3 lessons ( co reader was Mary Tyler Moore - not her real name - who will be familiar to some in our generation - google her if you want the details! )
Christmas Day - and working day for Mary - 7am start - and an evening shift - 2.15 to 10.15 - for me . Had 3 delightful , but fearfully cold, runs on Elk Camp and Alpine Springs , lunch together back at Meadow ranch , had lovely skype chats with the family in Ireland and Ithaca and then back to drive on the Woodbridge run. Beautiful choral classics on PBS ( one of the very impressive US public broadcasting channels - no ads and continuous classical music ) on the bus radio which passengers - largely - seem greatly to appreciate.
Boxing Day ( today ) - another beautiful , but intensely cold ( never above -6 % F on the mountain ) day . Another long working day for Mary and I 'll ski for a couple of hours before starting an evening shift on the Horseranch route from 4 till 11. We'll meet for lunch here at 270 again as we do most days .
Photos include a morning skiing with bus driver colleague John Carlin and another with Lee Miller. Another couple show us boarding with the venerable birthday girl EJ.
And on to 2010. Staying fit and healthy of body and mind are major priorities . The thought of living in this amazing valley and being unable to participate fully in the available activities should be sufficient incentive.
Great dad! Loved reading the updates and seeing the photos. Don't like the layout though I'm afraid, would flow better to write a blurb, then put photos with individual captions under!
love the blog mum and dad - keep it coming! Agree with Megs - photos can sometimes be a bit hard to follow. Love seeing the pictures though - it makes it much easier to imagine what life is like for you both out there. Looks amazing!
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