I arrived back in Edinburgh under 11 weeks from leaving it in June. Mary arrives in 3 weeks time. Purpose: Munro bagging , golf and catching up with old pals. Barbara in usual form met me at airport for coffee , into the city centre to get oboe fixed, picked up some files at AS and straight off to Inverness to stay with J & J. Munro bagging starting in earnest the next day.
Mick Tighe , of The Scottish Mountain Heritage Trust , Glen Roy to whom I donated my collection of bound SMC journals ( with AWR references marked ). Here with a phenomenal collection of early skiing equipment. |
Buchaille Etive Beag - Munro 3 of this trip. No companions yet. |
Yorkshire arrives . Rod ready for Cruachan ( in background ).
The loch at Cruachan sitting above the massive hydroelectric plant ( 300 straight vertical feet bbeneath ) |
| constructed 50 years ago. |
The delightful companion Pippin - recovering from adder bite |
Looking back to summit of Ben Cruachan |
Summit of Beinn a'Chochuill looking ( even further back ! ) to Cruachan |
And on one further - 4th and last of the day - Beinn Eunaich. Peter & Pippin. |
On my way through Glencoe, I dropped into the NTS visitor centre and was disappointed to note the truncated version of how NTS acquired the mountains of Glencoe. Maybe the full version and account of the auction in Clachaig Hotel in 1935 will be told when the exhibition is " re-worked ' shortly as I was led to believe it will be.
Percy Unna rightly lauded, but the involvement of AWR and GSR would greatly, and more accurately, enhance the story. |
Glad AWR gets a mention here. His descendants present and future - please note! |
After a couple of days on own - Ben Doran, Creise and Meall a' Bhuiridhm - Harry joined me for the Ballahullish horseshoe - the 2 Munros forming Beithir. The 'boy' did good.
Summit of Sgorr Dhearg |
No. 2 - Sgorr Dhonuill |
On the descent from Sgorr Dhonuill looking North to clearing skies. - completing the horseshoe. |
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