Monday, October 26, 2015

Guildford, Beaconsfield, Oxford, Yorkshire and Newcastle

With sadness I left the party ( viz annual LSGS v WSGC match ) and headed for  Bromley , Surrey outside Guildford with a welcome from Greg and Di which more than compensated. A lovely walk in the Downs followed by a wonderful dinner and comfortable night. Next day to Beaconsfield and golf there with David and dinner at nice local restauraunt ( joined by Norman ) and another comfortable night chez David and Desiree. On then to Yorkshire via Towersey (outside Oxford) and my old pal Duncan Robertson's widow Jill whom I had not seen since Duncan died a few months ago.  Traffic delays on M1 meant arriving at Park House Farm , Spotforth ( outside Leeds ) in the dark, but Andrew kindly there in village to guide me to their remote and beautiful home deep in the Yorkshire Dales.  Dinner with Andrew and Clarissa, their son Max and daughter Chloe who with huge generosity and tolerance accompanied me in the Besozzi  oboe and piano sonata . Then, after golf at Alwoodley and lunch back at the Farmhouse,  to Newcastle chez Sayers. Two nights there catching up with sister Jean, and family , golf on the Mon morning and to Edin via Kelso and the Balfours at Balgonie.  Phew !!! What a trip . Many thanks to all the above who might chance to read this blog for entertaining me so royally - especially as I had invited myself in every case. Apologies too to those who don't feature in the pics.

I always did want that e-type

Chip and chase

Greg and Di and ? ( dreadful that I can't remember  - help !)
The Latchmore farmhouse ....

and Clarissa and the menagerie

Andrew, Max, Clarissa and Chloe

Looking back to Park House Farm from their access track

zoom in from same spot - idyllic
My niece Nicola, Hannah, Natalie, Paul and Jean

The Sage Centre in Newcastle - venue for a v good dinner with Jean ,  Chris , Nicola and Paul

The river Tyne and pedestrian bridge linking downtown with the Sage Centre

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