Monday, October 26, 2015


Met up with Mary in Edinburgh on evening after returning from Newcastle. Delicious reunion dinner in an Indian restaraunt on the Bridges. Night in Budget Ibis and off on our separate ways again. Golf at Muirfield for me and Crieff and ex Dunfermline HS friends for Mary. First night at Muirfield, second at the Old Manse , Whittingehame with cousin Christian and Johnny. Again a self invitation ( and a last minute one). Particularly appreciated since they had just returned from a foreign holiday that day. Called in to Clint next morning and coffee with ex partner of 30 years at S&B/AS  Johnnie Blair. Off then to Crieff to collect Mary and back to Ibis via the Kelpies. A good catch up with Keith & Fiona in evening before heading off to Dublin and Ennis next day.

The Kelpies , Stirling,  Scotland

Controversial , but we approved

Cormac and Angus

Story time with Grandad - Cormac and Iona

Action in the surf - Spanish Point , Co Clare

Keeping warm

No chance here of blowing out my own candles. A Meghan special.

Angus' christening in Ennis cathedral

The kids had had enough of this photo business by this time

All just too much for the little fellow - I had some some sympathy

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