Saturday, September 10, 2022

Day in Seattle with Heidi

 We had a bit of hairy ride from King St. Station Seattle to the home of our Warmshowers house in the dark and with heavy traffic late on Thursday evening. We made it safely though and were given a lovely welcome by Kevin and Sun Young, keen cycle tourists, musicians and librarians by profession. 

A leisurely breakfast with our hosts on Fri morning and then biked in to meet Heidi at her new abode. Heidi was Mary’s Susuki violin teacher in Aspen and has been a good friend for the past 15 years. She has just started a good  new job in the Music School in Seattle and has taken to the city like a duck to water. She happened to have that day off work and was a great guide as we toured the city on foot visiting the Space Needle, the glass spheres, the Amazon city within a city including the unstaffed Amazon Go where merely lifting goods of the racks is recorded by weight and overhead cameras through your cell phone and debited instantaneously to your credit card account. Remarkable. Also the extraordinary Bill and Melinda Gates Museum of gadgets of the future. See the self composting toilets below ! 

Kevin and Sun Young came in and joined us with Heidi for dinner in a Lebonese restaurant and then the same slightly scary cycle back to our Warmshowers hosts.

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