Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Truckee , CA. abandoned

 How lucky we were to be able to change our plans so easily .. it depended upon availability for our unboxed bikes on to the Sacramento to Seattle train . Success! 

We had a comfortable night on bunk beds as we trundled through Utah and Nevada. Got up early enough to identify the precise road/rail crossing that was almost out undoing in 2011. Had that gravel truck that broadsided us been either 2.5 seconds ( as I calculated at the time and on watching the NTSB reconstruction video prepared for the Public Inquiry ) earlier OR later , we would have probably been killed . If earlier, our train would have hit the truck head on and would probably have derailed; if later the truck would have exploded in our carriage instead ( and Mary and I were sitting on that side ) . Every day since has been a blessing for us. Hardly a day goes past that I don’t think of that .

It was always going to be a risk for us as to whether we were going to be allowed  to get our bikes off at Truckee. We

discovered when we got to that staton this morning we would not have been allowed, so how lucky was that , that we changed our plans!

Now in Sacramento with a 5 hour layover . To Seattle at 11.50 pm and there at 8 tomorrow night.

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