Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Seattle and San Islands

 Plans have changed dramatically in the last 24 hours. We had intended to take Amtrak to Truckee, CA and cycle north from there through the Sierra Cascades up in to Oregon. We read that there are serious wildfires on our route and particularly around Weed, CA and Mt Shasta

Therefore literally at the 11th hour, we have extended our Amtrak travel all the way to Sacramento and then Sacramento up to Seattle. Having just left Glenwood Springs, we are pulling in to Grand Junction on route to Sacramento. When we reach there tomorrow afternoon, we have a seven hour layover and then train all the way to Seattle leaving at midnight, And arriving in Seattle at 8 PM on Thursday evening. We have booked in with a Warmshowers host and will have some time with Heidi who has just moved their permanently

We will then explore the options cycle touring on the San Juan Islands. Watch this space.

in the San Juan Islands. Watch this space!

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