Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Homeward bound

10 days on the trot in a tent is a record for us. We woke up at dawn at 6.30 to another beautiful day and it was hard to leave. Had hoped to get a good breakfast in Eastsound, but Wednesdays apparently are not good in this part of the world. Good coffee and muffins though and sufficient to get us to the ferry to Shaw Is. with 15 mins to spare. 

BUT with one ferry down - a labor shortage problem - a world wide one it seems - we had a wait of over an hour. Unloaded all our panniers and tents at the Shaw Is. harbor and had 2 glorious hours cycling round this small but attractive island. Most of it in fact. We hear Bill Gates and Opra Winfrey have places here. We see why. 

All the cycling pics above are on Shaw Is. Including the one of Mary powering up one of the hills. We’ve had a lot like these in the last 12 days and not often with no panniers. Such days may feature more in the coming years I suspect. Anno domini! 

Then ferry back to Lopez Is which was due to connect with another ferry to Anacortes. One further twist though . Because of the one ferry short problem , we missed the connection in Lopez Is. Spent the next 2 very happy hours either on a ferry or back at the Orcas Is. terminal with a cold beer with the sun setting before us. Just as well we’re not having to pitch tents, and will go straight to our motel. Bliss. 

I’ve found my 2011 posts on the crazyguy site showing the moment we dipped our wheels in the Pacific . See pic from that blog entry. The Paul referred to was someone I’d met by chance on a ski lift on Aspen Mtn months earlier, who, as an owner of a Seattle radio station, had offered to give us a send off with a camera crew. We were trying to raise funds for a Parkinson’s Research charity. He was true to his word and was there at 7am that morning . The start of another great adventure. We’re now approaching the end of another! 

The above written on the ferry back to Anacortes. The Washington State Ferries lay on a fantastic service. As cyclists we paid $12.50 each for the first journey Anacortes to Lopez Is. That ticket is usable for an unlimited number of journeys in the Islands thereafter including the return to Anacortes. How’s that for value? 

Now safely in the Marina Motel Anacortes after a 6 mile ride in the dark from the ferry terminal. Good road shoulders though and we have strong lights back and front. A bed feels real good. 50 odd miles tomorrow to Marysville half way to Seattle. We’ll return to Calico Kitchen down the street for a slap up breakfast first. Weather continuing fine, but we’re likely to be facing a south wind all the way to Seattle.

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