Sunday, September 11, 2022

Port Townsend to Annacortes

 Here we are 11 and a bit years later in the same campground from which we launched our west to east Transam ending in Bar Harbour , Maine.

Washington State Park 5 miles right on the Sound 5 miles from Annacortes. But a lot harder getting here this time. In 2011 it was a ferry from Vancouver Is. This time slogging it up Hwy 20 from Port Casey . We were lazy this morning and didn’t get the ferry out of Port Townsend till 11.30. But very relaxing and breakfast while packing up the tents with that fabulous view out to sea.

Heavy traffic on Hwy 20 but a good shoulder. Had a lovely chat wit Chen Wu who was heading for San Diego.

Only 35 miles , but we felt it . Hilly!

Pitched tents, dinner, watched a phenomenal sunset and good to get horizontal  after shower in pretty grotty facilities. Very different to last night.

Pics all out of order and no idea how to fix. Not even going to try. The last pic is the precise spot we “dipped” back tires in 2011. Need to go back to that crazyguy blog entry.

1 comment:

Jane Kelly said...

What beautiful pictures!!! Have a great trip. . .looks like it feels great to be on the bikes again