Sunday, September 18, 2022

San Juan island day 3


The full works for breakfast in Limekilns Cafe at Roche Harbor. A 5 mile ride to get our appetites whetted. 

Walked round the marina and had a good chat with Tim, year round skipper of this multimillion dollar cruiser, Estiva, below.  Brought back vivid memories of my days on Patrina in Jamaica in 1970. 

Rode round some of the old lime stone quarries of the early 20th century. The biggest lime manufacturers west of the Mississippi at that time. 

Then rode down to English Historical Camp on the west coast and back to campsite by 4 . Shower and change and off to dinner at Duck Pond an  up market restaurant coincidentally only half a mile from our campsite. This was the hedge against rain which never happened! In fact the finest day yet. Superb meal and rode back to tent just before dark. 

Plan was to decamp tomorrow and take the 11.35 ferry to Orcas Is. But only just discovered late tonight there’s not a campsite available that we can find and too much of a risk to wing it. Will therefore leave our tents here in situ , take the 8.30 ferry to Orcas Is for a scouting day trip and return on late afternoon ferry to Friday Harbor and ride the 5 miles back to our tents. No idea what we’ll do thereafter. The luxury of flexibility afforded by self supporting cycle touring ! And no more ecferry costs. Brilliant. 

Forecast good for the week ahead . That is huge.

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